Outdated Features Your Home Doesn’t Need
If you’re building a new home, you want it to look, well, new. The last thing you want is for it to be filled with design choices from decades past. Of course, styles can change quickly, and it’s not always easy to keep up with what’s in and what’s not. Here are some once popular […]
How Many Bedrooms and Bathrooms Do I Need?
When looking for a place to live, one of the very first questions you will answer is “how many bedrooms and bathrooms”. It doesn’t matter whether you’re renting or buying, if you’re looking at a house, a condo, or an apartment, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms determines whether a space is livable for you […]
Inspecting a New Home?
Before you buy a previously owned home, you have it inspected. You don’t technically have to, but you’d be kind of crazy not to. A home inspector finds hidden flaws and cover ups while identifying problems you may face in the future. Sometimes, everything will check out fine, but usually, there will be at least […]
Advice for Building Your First Home
Building a custom, luxury home for the first time is an exciting experience. The possibilities are near endless. Instead of scrambling around to find a place that’s almost your dream home, you get to actually create the perfect home for yourself. But chances are, you haven’t done it before. Because of that, you might not […]
Figuring Out the Cost to Build a Custom Home
For many people out there, a pre-built home is everything they need. They’re able to work with a given space and match it to their style. But for those with a bigger vision and greater needs, a custom-built home is the only option. There are no compromises or shortcuts. You get everything you want and more. Of […]
Roof Options for New Homes
If you’ve never had a custom home built, you probably haven’t put much thought towards what type of material you want on your roof. Your home already has a roof, and you simply go with what’s there. If it needs repairing or replacing, you repair it or replace it with the material already present. But building a custom home comes with […]
Inspecting a New Home?
Before you buy a previously owned home, you have it inspected. You don’t technically have to, but you’d be kind of crazy not to. A home inspector finds hidden flaws and cover ups while identifying problems you may face in the future. Sometimes, everything will check out fine, but usually, there will be at least […]
Ideas for a Home Library
Have a great book collection? Maybe you’re still working on developing it, but you want a place where you can relax and feel surrounded by knowledge. Home libraries are a beautiful addition to any home, providing a nice change of pace and style from the rest of the rooms in your home. But to truly […]
Ideas and Trends for New Kitchen Construction in 2017
A kitchen is more than just a room where food is made. It’s a place where people naturally congregate. You (and your guests) will likely spend a lot of time in and around your kitchen. Simply put, you want your kitchen to look great while remaining functional. If you’re building your own home, you have […]
Common Home Building Mistakes
When building a custom home for yourself, the worst thing that can happen is ending up with a home you’re not happy with. After all, the reason for building a custom home in the first place is to ensure it has all of the things you want. Some enter the home building process assuming everything […]